atlas> set G=SL(2,R) Identifier G: RealForm atlas> set p=trivial(G) Identifier p: Param atlas> p Value: final parameter (x=2,lambda=[1]/1,nu=[1]/1) atlas> set x=x(p) Identifier x: KGBElt atlas> atlas> involution (x) Value: | -1 | atlas> infinitesimal_character (p) Value: [ 1 ]/1 atlas> rho(G) Value: [ 1 ]/1 atlas> whattype discrete_series ? Overloaded instances of 'discrete_series' (KGBElt,ratvec)->Param (RealForm,ratvec)->Param atlas> set q=discrete_series (KGB(G,0),rho(G)) Identifier q: Param (hiding previous one of type vec (constant)) atlas> q Value: final parameter (x=0,lambda=[1]/1,nu=[0]/1) atlas> print_block(p) Parameter defines element 2 of the following block: 0: 0 [i1] 1 (2,*) *(x=0,lam=rho+ [0], nu= [0]/1) e 1: 0 [i1] 0 (2,*) *(x=1,lam=rho+ [0], nu= [0]/1) e 2: 1 [r1] 2 (0,1) *(x=2,lam=rho+ [0], nu= [1]/1) 1^e atlas> set r=discrete_series (KGB(G,1),rho(G)) Identifier r: Param atlas> set x_b=KGB(G,0) Identifier x_b: KGBElt atlas> hc_parameter (q,x) Runtime error: index -1 out of range (0<= . <1) in subscription alpha[s] (in call of act@((RootDatum,[int]),vec), defined at /home/jda/atlasSoftware/atlasofliegroups/atlas-scripts/ (in call of act@((RootDatum,[int]),ratvec), defined at /home/jda/atlasSoftware/atlasofliegroups/atlas-scripts/ (in call of hc_parameter@(Param,KGBElt), defined at /home/jda/atlasSoftware/atlasofliegroups/atlas-scripts/ Evaluation aborted. atlas> hc_parameter (q,x_b) Value: [ 1 ]/1 atlas> hc_parameter (r,x_b) Value: [ -1 ]/1 atlas> atlas> atlas> G:=PGL(2,R) Value: disconnected split real group with Lie algebra 'sl(2,R)' atlas> p:=trivial(G) Value: final parameter (x=1,lambda=[1]/2,nu=[1]/2) atlas> print_block(p) Parameter defines element 1 of the following block: 0: 0 [i2] 0 (1,2) *(x=0,lam=rho+ [0], nu= [0]/1) e 1: 1 [r2] 2 (0,*) *(x=1,lam=rho+ [0], nu= [1]/2) 1^e 2: 1 [r2] 1 (0,*) *(x=1,lam=rho+ [-1], nu= [1]/2) 1^e atlas> q:=discrete_series (KGB(G,0),rho(G)) Value: final parameter (x=0,lambda=[1]/2,nu=[0]/1) atlas> q Value: final parameter (x=0,lambda=[1]/2,nu=[0]/1) atlas> rho(G) Value: [ 1 ]/2 atlas> hc_parameter (q) Value: [ 1 ]/2 atlas> print_KGB (G) kgbsize: 2 Base grading: [1]. 0: 0 [n] 0 1 (0)#0 e 1: 1 [r] 1 * (0)#1 1^e atlas> print_block(trivial(G)) Parameter defines element 1 of the following block: 0: 0 [i2] 0 (1,2) *(x=0,lam=rho+ [0], nu= [0]/1) e 1: 1 [r2] 2 (0,*) *(x=1,lam=rho+ [0], nu= [1]/2) 1^e 2: 1 [r2] 1 (0,*) *(x=1,lam=rho+ [-1], nu= [1]/2) 1^e atlas> atlas> atlas> atlas> p Value: final parameter (x=1,lambda=[1]/2,nu=[1]/2) atlas> all_p all_parameters all_parameters_KGB_gamma all_principal_series all_parameters_Cartan_gamma all_parameters_gamma atlas> print_block(trivial(G)) Parameter defines element 1 of the following block: 0: 0 [i2] 0 (1,2) *(x=0,lam=rho+ [0], nu= [0]/1) e 1: 1 [r2] 2 (0,*) *(x=1,lam=rho+ [0], nu= [1]/2) 1^e 2: 1 [r2] 1 (0,*) *(x=1,lam=rho+ [-1], nu= [1]/2) 1^e atlas> block_sizes (G) Value: | 0, 1 | | 1, 3 | atlas> atlas> atlas> atlas> atlas> G:=Sp(4,R) Value: connected split real group with Lie algebra 'sp(4,R)' atlas> set B=block_of (trivial(G)) Identifier B: [Param] atlas> print_block(trivial(G)) Parameter defines element 10 of the following block: 0: 0 [i1,i1] 1 2 ( 6, *) ( 4, *) *(x= 0,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 1: 0 [i1,i1] 0 3 ( 6, *) ( 5, *) *(x= 1,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 2: 0 [ic,i1] 2 0 ( *, *) ( 4, *) *(x= 2,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 3: 0 [ic,i1] 3 1 ( *, *) ( 5, *) *(x= 3,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 4: 1 [C+,r1] 7 4 ( *, *) ( 0, 2) *(x= 5,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,1]/1) 2^e 5: 1 [C+,r1] 8 5 ( *, *) ( 1, 3) *(x= 6,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,1]/1) 2^e 6: 1 [r1,C+] 6 9 ( 0, 1) ( *, *) *(x= 4,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [1,-1]/2) 1^e 7: 2 [C-,i1] 4 8 ( *, *) (10, *) *(x= 7,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [2,0]/1) 1x2^e 8: 2 [C-,i1] 5 7 ( *, *) (10, *) *(x= 8,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [2,0]/1) 1x2^e 9: 2 [i2,C-] 9 6 (10,11) ( *, *) *(x= 9,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [3,3]/2) 2x1^e 10: 3 [r2,r1] 11 10 ( 9, *) ( 7, 8) *(x=10,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [2,1]/1) 1^2x1^e 11: 3 [r2,rn] 10 11 ( 9, *) ( *, *) *(x=10,lam=rho+[-1,-1], nu= [2,1]/1) 1^2x1^e atlas> atlas> atlas> p:=B[4] Value: final parameter (x=5,lambda=[2,1]/1,nu=[0,1]/1) atlas> infinitesimal_character (p) Value: [ 2, 1 ]/1 atlas> x:=x(p) Value: KGB element #5 atlas> involution (x) Value: | 1, 0 | | 0, -1 | atlas> set theta=involution (x) Identifier theta: mat atlas> theta Value: | 1, 0 | | 0, -1 | atlas> nu(p) Value: [ 0, 1 ]/1 atlas> set (P,sigma)=cuspidal_data (p) Identifiers P: ([int],KGBElt), sigma: Param atlas> atlas> atlas> atlas> {P=real parabolic, sigma=discrete series of M=Levi(P)} atlas> {I(p)= induced from sigma P->G} atlas> atlas> P Value: ([1],KGB element #7) atlas> set M=Levi(P) Identifier M: RealForm atlas> M Value: disconnected split real group with Lie algebra 'sl(2,R).gl(1,R)' atlas> simple_roots (M) Value: | 0 | | 2 | atlas> sigma Value: final parameter (x=0,lambda=[1,2]/1,nu=[1,0]/1) atlas> real_form(sigma) Value: disconnected split real group with Lie algebra 'sl(2,R).gl(1,R)' atlas> infinitesimal_character (sigma) Value: [ 1, 2 ]/1 atlas> rho(M) Value: [ 0, 1 ]/1 atlas> hc_parameter (sigma) Value: [ 1, 2 ]/1 atlas> {discrete series: relative discrete series (discrete series modulo center)} atlas> induce_standard (sigma,P,G) Value: 1*final parameter (x=5,lambda=[2,1]/1,nu=[0,1]/1) atlas> p Value: final parameter (x=5,lambda=[2,1]/1,nu=[0,1]/1) atlas> atlas> atlas> induce_irreducible (sigma,P,G) Value: 1*final parameter (x=0,lambda=[2,1]/1,nu=[0,0]/1) 1*final parameter (x=2,lambda=[2,1]/1,nu=[0,0]/1) 1*final parameter (x=5,lambda=[2,1]/1,nu=[0,1]/1) atlas> atlas> atlas> atlas> induce_standard (sigma,P,G) Value: 1*final parameter (x=5,lambda=[2,1]/1,nu=[0,1]/1) atlas> atlas> {Ind_P^G(discrete series) = single standard module (x=5,[2,1],[0,1])} atlas> atlas> induce_irreducible (sigma,P,G) Value: 1*final parameter (x=0,lambda=[2,1]/1,nu=[0,0]/1) 1*final parameter (x=2,lambda=[2,1]/1,nu=[0,0]/1) 1*final parameter (x=5,lambda=[2,1]/1,nu=[0,1]/1) atlas> {Ind_P^G(discrete series) = as a sum of irreducible modules for G} atlas> atlas> p Value: final parameter (x=5,lambda=[2,1]/1,nu=[0,1]/1) atlas> atlas> atlas> atlas> { p -> I(p) standard module and J(p) irreducible } atlas> set irr=J(p) Identifier irr: (Param,string) (hiding previous one of type string (constant)) atlas> show(irr) J(x=5,lambda=[2/1,1/1],nu=[0/1,1/1]) atlas> atlas> atlas> set ind=I(p) Identifier ind: (Param,string) atlas> atlas> show(ind) I(x=5,lambda=[2/1,1/1],nu=[0/1,1/1]) atlas> atlas> show(composition_series (ind)) 1*J(x=0,lambda=[2/1,1/1],nu=[0/1,0/1]) 1*J(x=2,lambda=[2/1,1/1],nu=[0/1,0/1]) 1*J(x=5,lambda=[2/1,1/1],nu=[0/1,1/1]) atlas> atlas> atlas> show(character_formula (irr)) -1*I(x=0,lambda=[2/1,1/1],nu=[0/1,0/1]) -1*I(x=2,lambda=[2/1,1/1],nu=[0/1,0/1]) 1*I(x=5,lambda=[2/1,1/1],nu=[0/1,1/1]) atlas> atlas> atlas> character_formula (std) Error in expression character_formula(std) at :104:0-23 Failed to match 'character_formula' with argument type string Type check failed atlas> composition_series (irr) Runtime error: Composition series not defined for irreducible modules (in call of error, built-in) (in call of assert@(bool,string), defined at /home/jda/atlasSoftware/atlasofliegroups/atlas-scripts/ (in call of composition_series@(Param,string), defined at /home/jda/atlasSoftware/atlasofliegroups/atlas-scripts/ Evaluation aborted. atlas> print_block(trivial(G)) Parameter defines element 10 of the following block: 0: 0 [i1,i1] 1 2 ( 6, *) ( 4, *) *(x= 0,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 1: 0 [i1,i1] 0 3 ( 6, *) ( 5, *) *(x= 1,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 2: 0 [ic,i1] 2 0 ( *, *) ( 4, *) *(x= 2,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 3: 0 [ic,i1] 3 1 ( *, *) ( 5, *) *(x= 3,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 4: 1 [C+,r1] 7 4 ( *, *) ( 0, 2) *(x= 5,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,1]/1) 2^e 5: 1 [C+,r1] 8 5 ( *, *) ( 1, 3) *(x= 6,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,1]/1) 2^e 6: 1 [r1,C+] 6 9 ( 0, 1) ( *, *) *(x= 4,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [1,-1]/2) 1^e 7: 2 [C-,i1] 4 8 ( *, *) (10, *) *(x= 7,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [2,0]/1) 1x2^e 8: 2 [C-,i1] 5 7 ( *, *) (10, *) *(x= 8,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [2,0]/1) 1x2^e 9: 2 [i2,C-] 9 6 (10,11) ( *, *) *(x= 9,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [3,3]/2) 2x1^e 10: 3 [r2,r1] 11 10 ( 9, *) ( 7, 8) *(x=10,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [2,1]/1) 1^2x1^e 11: 3 [r2,rn] 10 11 ( 9, *) ( *, *) *(x=10,lam=rho+[-1,-1], nu= [2,1]/1) 1^2x1^e atlas> {representations 4,5,7,8 all from same Cartan/Levi=SL(2,R)xGL(1,R)} atlas> atlas> set p4=B[4] Identifier p4: Param atlas> set p5=B[5] Identifier p5: Param atlas> set p7=B[7] Identifier p7: Param atlas> set p8=B[8] Identifier p8: Param atlas> set (P4,sigma4)=cuspidal_data (p4) Identifiers P4: ([int],KGBElt), sigma4: Param atlas> Levi(P4) Value: disconnected split real group with Lie algebra 'sl(2,R).gl(1,R)' atlas> sigma4 Value: final parameter (x=0,lambda=[1,2]/1,nu=[1,0]/1) atlas> set (P5,sigma5)=cuspidal_data (p5) Identifiers P5: ([int],KGBElt), sigma5: Param atlas> set (P7,sigma7)=cuspidal_data (p7) Identifiers P7: ([int],KGBElt), sigma7: Param atlas> set (P8,sigma8)=cuspidal_data (p8) Identifiers P8: ([int],KGBElt), sigma8: Param atlas> sigma4 Value: final parameter (x=0,lambda=[1,2]/1,nu=[1,0]/1) atlas> sigma5 Value: final parameter (x=1,lambda=[1,2]/1,nu=[1,0]/1) atlas> sigma7 Value: final parameter (x=0,lambda=[0,1]/1,nu=[2,0]/1) atlas> sigma8 Value: final parameter (x=1,lambda=[0,1]/1,nu=[2,0]/1) atlas> hc_parameter (sigma4, x(sigma4)) Value: [ 1, 2 ]/1 atlas> atlas> {sigma4: 1 on GL(1) x [2] on SL(2,R)} atlas> {sigma5: 1 on GL(1) x [-2] on SL(2,R)} atlas> sigma7 Value: final parameter (x=0,lambda=[0,1]/1,nu=[2,0]/1) atlas> sigma8 Value: final parameter (x=1,lambda=[0,1]/1,nu=[2,0]/1) atlas> {sigma7: 2 on GL(1) x [1] on SL(2,R)} atlas> {sigma8: 2 on GL(1) x [-1] on SL(2,R)} atlas> {note: on GL(1) |x|^1 or 2, sgn on \pm 1 =?} atlas> atlas> atlas> print_block(trivial(G)) Parameter defines element 10 of the following block: 0: 0 [i1,i1] 1 2 ( 6, *) ( 4, *) *(x= 0,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 1: 0 [i1,i1] 0 3 ( 6, *) ( 5, *) *(x= 1,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 2: 0 [ic,i1] 2 0 ( *, *) ( 4, *) *(x= 2,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 3: 0 [ic,i1] 3 1 ( *, *) ( 5, *) *(x= 3,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 4: 1 [C+,r1] 7 4 ( *, *) ( 0, 2) *(x= 5,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,1]/1) 2^e 5: 1 [C+,r1] 8 5 ( *, *) ( 1, 3) *(x= 6,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,1]/1) 2^e 6: 1 [r1,C+] 6 9 ( 0, 1) ( *, *) *(x= 4,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [1,-1]/2) 1^e 7: 2 [C-,i1] 4 8 ( *, *) (10, *) *(x= 7,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [2,0]/1) 1x2^e 8: 2 [C-,i1] 5 7 ( *, *) (10, *) *(x= 8,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [2,0]/1) 1x2^e 9: 2 [i2,C-] 9 6 (10,11) ( *, *) *(x= 9,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [3,3]/2) 2x1^e 10: 3 [r2,r1] 11 10 ( 9, *) ( 7, 8) *(x=10,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [2,1]/1) 1^2x1^e 11: 3 [r2,rn] 10 11 ( 9, *) ( *, *) *(x=10,lam=rho+[-1,-1], nu= [2,1]/1) 1^2x1^e atlas> set p6=B[6] Identifier p6: Param atlas> set (P6,sigma6)=cuspidal_data (p6) Identifiers P6: ([int],KGBElt), sigma6: Param atlas> Levi(P6) Value: disconnected split real group with Lie algebra 'sl(2,R).gl(1,R)' atlas> set L6=Levi(P6) Identifier L6: RealForm atlas> simple_roots (L6) Value: | 1 | | -1 | atlas> {M=GL(2,R)} atlas> atlas> print_KGB (L6) kgbsize: 2 Base grading: [1]. 0: 0 [n] 0 1 (0,0)#0 e 1: 1 [r] 1 * (0,0)#1 1^e atlas> sigma6 Value: final parameter (x=0,lambda=[3,-3]/2,nu=[1,1]/2) atlas> set p9=B[9] Identifier p9: Param atlas> set (P9,sigma9)=cuspidal_data (p9) Identifiers P9: ([int],KGBElt), sigma9: Param atlas> sigma6 Value: final parameter (x=0,lambda=[3,-3]/2,nu=[1,1]/2) atlas> sigma9 Value: final parameter (x=0,lambda=[1,-1]/2,nu=[3,3]/2) atlas> rho(L6) Value: [ 1, -1 ]/2 atlas> {block: 4 DS, 4 reps from SL(2,R)xGL(1,R), 2 from GL(2,R), 2 from GL(1,R)^2} atlas> print_block(trivial(G)) Parameter defines element 10 of the following block: 0: 0 [i1,i1] 1 2 ( 6, *) ( 4, *) *(x= 0,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 1: 0 [i1,i1] 0 3 ( 6, *) ( 5, *) *(x= 1,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 2: 0 [ic,i1] 2 0 ( *, *) ( 4, *) *(x= 2,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 3: 0 [ic,i1] 3 1 ( *, *) ( 5, *) *(x= 3,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,0]/1) e 4: 1 [C+,r1] 7 4 ( *, *) ( 0, 2) *(x= 5,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,1]/1) 2^e 5: 1 [C+,r1] 8 5 ( *, *) ( 1, 3) *(x= 6,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [0,1]/1) 2^e 6: 1 [r1,C+] 6 9 ( 0, 1) ( *, *) *(x= 4,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [1,-1]/2) 1^e 7: 2 [C-,i1] 4 8 ( *, *) (10, *) *(x= 7,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [2,0]/1) 1x2^e 8: 2 [C-,i1] 5 7 ( *, *) (10, *) *(x= 8,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [2,0]/1) 1x2^e 9: 2 [i2,C-] 9 6 (10,11) ( *, *) *(x= 9,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [3,3]/2) 2x1^e 10: 3 [r2,r1] 11 10 ( 9, *) ( 7, 8) *(x=10,lam=rho+ [0,0], nu= [2,1]/1) 1^2x1^e 11: 3 [r2,rn] 10 11 ( 9, *) ( *, *) *(x=10,lam=rho+[-1,-1], nu= [2,1]/1) 1^2x1^e atlas> atlas> atlas> atlas> {reference: algorithms paper} atlas> atlas> {number: length/ types of simple roots/ cross-action/ Cayley-transforms/parameter/ Weyl elt} atlas> atlas> atlas> {root: imaginary/real/complex i/r/C with respect to theta_x} atlas> {imaginary: theta_x(alpha)=alpha} atlas> {real: theta_x(alpha)=-alpha} atlas> {complex: neither} atlas> atlas> {imaginary root: i -> i1 or i2: noncompact or ic compact} atlas> atlas> atlas> atlas> { 2^w= s_2*w} atlas> { 2xw = s_2*w*s_2} atlas> atlas> atlas> {1^2x1^e = s_1*s_2* s_1*s^2 =long elt of W = -I} atlas> atlas> atlas> {mathematical background: Vogan's big green book} atlas> atlas> atlas> atlas> {5 minute break - 3:10} atlas> atlas> atlas> {any questions? post them to the questions column...} atlas>