jda@Leonidas:~$ cd jda@Leonidas:~$ cd a jda@Leonidas:~/a$ ./atlas --path=atlas-scripts This is 'atlas' (version 0.6, axis language version 0.9), the Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations interpreter, compiled on Feb 3 2016 at 05:11:06. http://www.liegroups.org/ atlas> quit Bye. jda@Leonidas:~/a$ clear jda@Leonidas:~/a$ ls atlas configure doc make_distribution.sh preliminaries www atlas-scripts COPYRIGHT Fokko Makefile README bugfile cwebx getversion.pl messages sources CHANGES distr_INSTALL INSTALL outfile TODO check-scripts.sh distr_Makefile LICENSE outputfile workinglog jda@Leonidas:~/a$ file atlas atlas: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=374a522d63eb1f102dc7c04723667cb1d4cc3991, not stripped jda@Leonidas:~/a$ ls -l atlas -rwxrwxr-x 1 jda jda 2419712 Feb 2 15:11 atlas jda@Leonidas:~/a$ chmod u+x atlas jda@Leonidas:~/a$ ls -l atlas -rwxrwxr-x 1 jda jda 2419712 Feb 2 15:11 atlas jda@Leonidas:~/a$ file Fokko Fokko: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=542dd867870332792f60626087fb53238dc5e0ea, not stripped jda@Leonidas:~/a$ ./atlas This is 'atlas' (version 0.6, axis language version 0.9), the Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations interpreter, compiled on Feb 3 2016 at 05:11:06. http://www.liegroups.org/ atlas> 1=1 Value: true atlas> 1+1 Value: 2 atlas> set x=1 Identifier x: int atlas> x Value: 1 atlas> whattype x type: int atlas> quit Bye. jda@Leonidas:~/a$ ls atlas configure doc make_distribution.sh preliminaries www atlas-scripts COPYRIGHT Fokko Makefile README bugfile cwebx getversion.pl messages sources CHANGES distr_INSTALL INSTALL outfile TODO check-scripts.sh distr_Makefile LICENSE outputfile workinglog jda@Leonidas:~/a$ cd atlas-scripts/ jda@Leonidas:~/a/atlas-scripts$ ls 2i12.at extended_cayley.at K_types.at sp4.at adams.at extended_cross.at lattice.at std_decs.at all.at extended_misc.at lietypes.at synthetic.at all_Kparameters.at extended_types.at LKT.at synthetic_aux.at atlas.el ext_signs.at LKT_aux.at test3.at atlas-functions.help file_graph.pl matrix.at test_unitarity.at atlas.help finite_dimensional.at misc.at thetastable.at basic.at galois.at modules.at tits.at canonical_x_K.at generate_groups.at new_blocks.at torus.at center.at group_operations.at nilpotent.at translate.at coherent.at groups.at nonintegral.at twist.at complex.at hecke.at orbits.at unitary.at complex_nilpotent_orbits.at hermitian.at parabolics.at Vogan-dual.at conjugacy_classes.at induction.at parameters.at Wdelta.at cross_W_orbit.at induction_example partitions.at Weylgroup.at dependency induction_sp4.at polynomial.at W_K.at dependency.ps iterate_deform.at ratmat.at W_orbit.at dual.at K.at README.atlas-scripts wreps_type_C.at elliptic_elements.at kgp.at representations.at examples kl.at scripts.help extended.at K_parameters.at sort.at jda@Leonidas:~/a/atlas-scripts$ emacs -nw atlas.help jda@Leonidas:~/a/atlas-scripts$ fg bash: fg: current: no such job jda@Leonidas:~/a/atlas-scripts$ ./atlas bash: ./atlas: No such file or directory jda@Leonidas:~/a/atlas-scripts$ cd .. jda@Leonidas:~/a$ ./atlas This is 'atlas' (version 0.6, axis language version 0.9), the Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations interpreter, compiled on Feb 3 2016 at 05:11:06. http://www.liegroups.org/ atlas> {this is a comment} atlas> {TAB TAB} atlas> Display all 204 possibilities? (y or n) ! distinguished_involution null != do null_module # dominant occurrence_matrix % downto od * dual or + dual_KL orientation_nr - dual_form_names param / dual_occurrence_matrix partial_KL_block < dual_quasisplit_form partial_block <= dual_real_form poscoroots = dual_real_forms posroots > echelon prelude_log >= eigen_lattice print_KGB Block element print_KL_basis CartanClass elif print_KL_list Cartan_class else print_W_cells Cartan_info end print_W_graph Cartan_matrix esac print_X Cartan_matrix_type false print_block Cartan_order fi print_blockd Cayley fiber_partition print_blockstabilizer InnerClass filter_units print_blocku KGB first_term print_gradings KGBElt flex_add print_prim_KL KGB_elt flex_sub print_real_Weyl KGB_size for print_strong_real KL_block forget quasisplit_form KL_sum_at_s form_names quit K_type_formula form_number quotient_basis LieType from rank Lie_type full_deform rat Param fundamental_coweight ratvec ParamPol fundamental_weight raw_KL RealForm height real_form RootDatum id_mat real_forms Smith if rec_fun Smith_Cartan in reducibility_points Smith_basis index replace_gen Split initial_torus_bits root \ inner_class root_coradical \% input_path root_datum ^ int root_index adapted_basis int_format row_saturate adjoint integrality_datum semisimple_rank and integrality_points set ann_mod inv_Cayley showall ascii inv_fact simple_coroots base_grading_vector inverse_Cayley simple_roots begin invert simply_connected block involution square_classes block_sizes is_final stack_rows bool is_standard status branch is_zero str case kernel string central_fiber last_term subspace_normal classify_involution length swiss_matrix_knife components_rank let then convolve mat to_canonical coroot matrix slicer torus_bits coroot_index mod2_section torus_factor coroot_radical mod_central_torus_info transpose count_Cartans most_split_Cartan true cross next twist deform not twisted_involution derived_info nr_of_Cartan_classes vec diagonal nr_of_dual_real_forms void diagonalize nr_of_posroots whattype die nr_of_real_forms while atlas> null null null_module atlas> {command completion: readline library} atlas> set y=2 Identifier y: int atlas> {ctrl-p} atlas> set y=3 Identifier y: int (hiding previous one of type int) atlas> whattype 3 type: int atlas> set z=3/2 Identifier z: rat atlas> z Value: 3/2 atlas> x Error during analysis of expression at :10:0-1 Undefined identifier 'x' Type check failed atlas> set x=1 Identifier x: int atlas> x Value: 1 atlas> whattype x type: int atlas> whattype W > z type: rat atlas> whattype z type: rat atlas> x+z Value: 5/2 atlas> whattype(x+z) type: rat atlas> set x=23 Identifier x: int (hiding previous one of type rat) atlas> x\5 Value: 4 atlas> x%5 Value: 3 atlas> set x=23/5 Identifier x: rat (hiding previous one of type int) atlas> x Value: 23/5 atlas> %x Value: (23,5) atlas> set z=%x Identifier z: (int,int) (hiding previous one of type rat) atlas> set (num,denom)=z Identifiers num: int, denom: int atlas> num Value: 23 atlas> denom Value: 5 atlas> set x="hello world" Identifier x: string (hiding previous one of type rat) atlas> x Value: "hello world" atlas> print(x) "hello world" Value: "hello world" atlas> prints(x) hello world atlas> set z=(1,2/3,x) Identifier z: (int,rat,string) (hiding previous one of type (int,int)) atlas> set x=1 Identifier x: int (hiding previous one of type string) atlas> whattype x type: int atlas> x:=3 Value: 3 atlas> x:=3/4 Error during analysis of expression at :42:0-6 Type error: Subexpression /(3,4) at :42:3-6 has wrong type: found rat while int was needed. Type check failed atlas> set v=vec:[4,6,7] Identifier v: vec atlas> v Value: [ 4, 6, 7 ] atlas> set w=[4,6,7] Identifier w: [int] atlas> whattype w type: [int] atlas> v Value: [ 4, 6, 7 ] atlas> w Value: [4,6,7] atlas> v Value: [ 4, 6, 7 ] atlas> #v Value: 3 atlas> v[0] Value: 4 atlas> v[1] Value: 6 Value: 7 atlas> v[3] Runtime error: index 3 out of range (0<= . <3) in subscription v[3] Evaluation aborted. atlas> v+w Value: [ 8, 12, 14 ] atlas> whattype (v+w) type: vec atlas> v*v Value: 101 atlas> v/2 Value: [ 4, 6, 7 ]/2 atlas> $ Value: [ 4, 6, 7 ]/2 atlas> whattype $ type: ratvec atlas> set a=[1/2,1/2,3/2] Identifier a: [rat] atlas> set b=[3,2,1]/3 Identifier b: ratvec atlas> %a Value: ([ 1, 1, 3 ],2) atlas> a=[3,4,9]/6 Value: false atlas> set a=[1/2,2/3,3/2] Identifier a: [rat] (hiding previous one of type [rat]) atlas> %a Value: ([ 3, 4, 9 ],6) atlas> whattype $ type: (vec,int) atlas> a Value: [1/2,2/3,3/2] atlas> a=[3,4,9]/6 Value: true atlas> set A=mat:[[1,2],[3,4]] Identifier A: mat atlas> A Value: | 1, 3 | | 2, 4 | atlas> set B=[[1,2],[3,4]] Identifier B: [[int]] atlas> whattype B type: [[int]] atlas> A*[1,1] Value: [ 4, 6 ] atlas> [1,1]*A Value: [ 3, 7 ] atlas> ^A Value: | 1, 2 | | 3, 4 | atlas> invert(A) Value: ( | -4, 3 | | 2, -1 | ,2) atlas> set (B,d)=invert(A) Identifiers B: mat (hiding previous one of type [[int]]), d: int atlas> B Value: | -4, 3 | | 2, -1 | atlas> d Value: 2 atlas> A*B Value: | 2, 0 | | 0, 2 | atlas> inverse(A) Error during analysis of expression at :83:0-10 Undefined identifier 'inverse' Type check failed atlas> quit Bye. jda@Leonidas:~/a$ jda@Leonidas:~/a$ jda@Leonidas:~/a$ jda@Leonidas:~/a$ pwd /home/jda/a jda@Leonidas:~/a$ ls atlas configure doc make_distribution.sh preliminaries www atlas-scripts COPYRIGHT Fokko Makefile README bugfile cwebx getversion.pl messages sources CHANGES distr_INSTALL INSTALL outfile TODO check-scripts.sh distr_Makefile LICENSE outputfile workinglog jda@Leonidas:~/a$ ls atlas-scripts/basic.at atlas-scripts/basic.at jda@Leonidas:~/a$ ./atlas --path=atlas-scripts This is 'atlas' (version 0.6, axis language version 0.9), the Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations interpreter, compiled on Feb 3 2016 at 05:11:06. http://www.liegroups.org/ atlas> [int]) [many lines deleted] Added definition [4] of find: ([[int]],[int]->int) Defined find_vec: ([vec],vec->int) Completely read file 'atlas-scripts/basic.at'. atlas> det(A) Value: -2 atlas> inverse(A) Runtime error: Matrix not invertible over the integers (in call of error, built-in) (in call of inverse@mat, defined at atlas-scripts/basic.at:254:4--256:74) Evaluation aborted. atlas> set A=[[1,2],[0,1]] Identifier A: [[int]] (hiding previous one of type [[int]]) atlas> inverse(A) Value: | 1, 0 | | -2, 1 | atlas> A*inverse(A) Value: | 1, 0 | | 0, 1 | atlas> > outputfile prints("hello world") atlas> ^Z [1]+ Stopped ./atlas --path=atlas-scripts jda@Leonidas:~/a$ more outputfile hello world jda@Leonidas:~/a$ fg ./atlas --path=atlas-scripts atlas> >> outputfile prints("goodbye cruel world") atlas> ^Z [1]+ Stopped ./atlas --path=atlas-scripts jda@Leonidas:~/a$ more outputfile hello world goodbye cruel world jda@Leonidas:~/a$ fg ./atlas --path=atlas-scripts atlas> atlas> set A=[[1,0,0],[0,2,0],[1,1,0]] Identifier A: [[int]] (hiding previous one of type [[int]]) atlas> solve(A,[3,4,5]) Value: [] atlas> solve(A,[3,4,0]) Value: [[ -1, 0, 4 ]] atlas> whattype $ type: [vec] atlas> set answer=solve(A,[3,4,0]) Identifier answer: [vec] atlas> set v=answer[0] Identifier v: vec atlas> v Value: [ -1, 0, 4 ] atlas> A*v Value: [ 3, 4, 0 ] atlas> set A=mat:[[1,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]] Identifier A: mat (hiding previous one of type [[int]]) atlas> A Value: | 1, 0, 0 | | 0, 0, 0 | | 0, 0, 0 | atlas> kernel(A) Value: | 0, 0 | | 1, 0 | | 0, 1 | atlas> solve(A,[1,1,0]) Value: [] atlas> set A=[[0,0],[0,0]] Identifier A: [[int]] (hiding previous one of type mat) atlas> solve(A,[0,0]) Value: [[ 0, 0 ]] atlas> {solve: gives one solution, or none} atlas> {to find them all: use kernel } atlas> atlas> atlas> atlas> set f(int x)=x^2 Defined f: (int->int) atlas> set f(int x)=int:x^2 Redefined f: (int->int) atlas> f(2) Value: 4 atlas> set f(int x,int y)=rat:x/y Added definition [2] of f: (int,int->rat) atlas> f(3,2) Value: 3/2 atlas> set f(mat A)=vec:let rv=vec:[] in for v in A do rv#:=v od;rv Added definition [3] of f: (mat->vec) atlas> set A=[[1,2],[3,4]] Identifier A: [[int]] (hiding previous one of type [[int]]) atlas> f(A) Value: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] atlas> set f(mat A)=vec:let rv=vec:[] in for v in A do rv#:=v od;rv Redefined f: (mat->vec) atlas> v atlas> for v in A do v od Value: [[1,2],[3,4]] atlas> set v=[1,2,3,4] Identifier v: [int] (hiding previous one of type vec) atlas> for a in v do a^2 od Value: [1,4,9,16] atlas> whattype $ type: [int]