.. _session_1A: Online Training Session 1, Part A ================================== Basics of the software: running it for the first time, varibles, expressions, some simple commands. .. _1A_intro: 1. Introduction --------------- Information on Hangout, Google Plus, overall plan for training sessions, other possible sources for help. .. raw:: html 2. Basics ---------- Basics, outline, atlas files, directories, some useful Linux commands for atlas .. raw:: html 3. First Command ----------------- 1+1=2, software basics: setting variables, data types, quit command. .. raw:: html 4. atlas Scripts ---------------- The atlas-scripts directory, .at files, help files: atlas.help,installation, software requirements, designing principles of axis language, lists of data types, atlas-functions.help, scripts.help .. raw:: html 5. More Commands and Shortcuts -------------------------------- Comments, \{TAB TAB\}, command completion, readline library test,more useful Linux shortcuts, whattype command, operations on integers: division rounding down, remainder, n-tuples, print, prints .. raw:: html 6. Redefining Variables, Vector Operations ------------------------------------------- Redefining variables, the ":" syntax, vectors, vec:, arrays, vector coordinates, operations on vectors, operations on different types. .. raw:: html 7. Operator \$, \%, and booleans ------------------------------------- Use of $ rational vectors, % on rational vectors, booleans .. raw:: html 8. Matrix Operations ------------------------ Matrices, mat:, arrays of integer arrays, matrix operations, transpose, invert commands. .. raw:: html 9. Loading Files -------------------- Loading .at files, < input command, launching atlas with path argument for supplementary files, basic.at file. .. raw:: html 10. Inverse ----------------- Inverse command, invertible matrices over :math:`\mathbb{Z}`. .. raw:: html 11. File Output ------------------- File output command: ``>`` outputfile, append command: ``>>`` .. raw:: html 12. Solving Matrix Equations ---------------------------------- Solving matrix equations, null space. .. raw:: html 13. Functions, Types, etc. -------------------------- Functions, definitions, input and output types, example of functions scripts, basic for loops .. raw:: html 14. Loops ------------- for loops, while loops in atlas.help, examples of such loops in .at files .. raw:: html