Example :math:`SL(2,R)` ======================== Recall the :math:`K\backslash G/B` elements of :math:`SL(2,R)`:: atlas> set G=SL(2,R) Variable G: RealForm atlas> G Value: connected split real group with Lie algebra 'sl(2,R)' atlas> atlas> print_KGB (G) kgbsize: 3 Base grading: [1]. 0: 0 [n] 1 2 (0)#0 e 1: 0 [n] 0 2 (1)#0 e 2: 1 [r] 2 * (0)#1 1^e atlas> If we again look at the block of the trivial :: atlas> set B=block_of (trivial (G)) Variable B: [Param] atlas> set show([Param] params)= void: for p in params do prints(p) od Added definition [6] of show: ([Param]->) atlas> show(B) final parameter (x=0,lambda=[1]/1,nu=[0]/1) final parameter (x=1,lambda=[1]/1,nu=[0]/1) final parameter (x=2,lambda=[1]/1,nu=[1]/1) atlas> We focus on the first two elements:: atlas> B[0] Value: final parameter (x=0,lambda=[1]/1,nu=[0]/1) atlas> B[1] Value: final parameter (x=1,lambda=[1]/1,nu=[0]/1) atlas> Remark: There are two commands that give us discrete series directly. For other groups with more representations it is more helpful to list them directly. See the example of :math:`Sp(4,R)` in the next section. Recall that these are the (discrete series) representations associated to the compact Cartan subgroup. Note that they both have Harish-Chandra parameter ``lambda=rho``. This is because the software is using a different ``x``. Remember that we have to fix a ``KGB`` element ``x_b`` to fix a real group :math:`K`. Let us fix it to be ``x=0``:: atlas> set x_b=KGB(G,0) Variable x_b: KGBElt atlas> x_b Value: KGB element #0 atlas> Now, in order to identify the representation associated to ``x=1` with a representation associated to ``x=0``, we need to conjugate ``x=1`` to ``x=0``. This will conjugate ``lambda`` to ``-lambda``. Then the harish chandra parameters of the discrete series with respect to the fixed element ``x=0`` will be:: atlas> hc_parameter(B[0],x_b) Value: [ 1 ]/1 atlas> hc_parameter(B[1],x_b) Value: [ -1 ]/1 atlas> So, one is the holomorphic discrete series and the other is the anti-holomorphic one. But by choosing ``x_b =1`` we get the opposite situation for the Harish Chandra parameters and holomorphic convention.