Background =========== Recall that there is a map :math:`\rho :\mathcal X\rightarrow {\mathcal I}_W` (involutions in :math:`W`). And the conjugacy classes of involutions in W give a map: :math:`{\mathcal I}_W /W\leftrightarrow \text{conjugacy classes of Cartan subgroups in quasisplit group.}` Now let us fix :math:`x_b` and define the set .. math:: \mathcal F := {\rho }^{-1}(Id)=\{x\in \mathcal X |x\in H \} This is the distinguished fiber above the identity element in the Weyl group or the identity involution in :math:`{\mathcal I}_W` this just means that the elements in this preimage are in the Cartan subgroup :math:`H`. So, this :math:`\mathcal F` parametrizes the Borel subgroups containing a compact Cartan subgroup up to conjugation by :math:`K`. And these in turn parametrize the discrete series with fixed infinitesimal character. Explicitly, if we fix infinitesimal character :math:`\rho`, :math:`x=wx_b`, corresponds to the discrete series with Harish Chandra parameter :math:`w\rho`. So when talking about representations associated to a non split Cartan subgroup, the element :math:`x` not only gives you the Cartan subgroup but also a :math:`K`-conjugacy class of Borel subgroups for that Cartan subgroup. Now we can focus on the case when :math:`\theta _x` is acting by :math:`Id` which corresponds to the discrete series representations. In other words, assuming that :math:`G=G(\mathbb C)` has discrete series representations is equivalent to having a distinguished involution equal to the Identity.