Parameters =========== Introduction ------------ The basic object in ``atlas`` is a ``parameter`` and the ``parameter space`` parametrizes both, the irreducible representations of a reductive algebraic group as well as the standard modules. In other words, for each ``p`` in the ``parameter space`` there are an irreducible module :math:`J(p)` and a standard module :math:`I(p)` associated to ``p``. Namely :math:`I(p)` is a representation induced from a limit of discrete series and things are set up, following Langlands classification, so that this standard module has a unique irrudicible quotient :math:`J(p)`. This quotient is also parametrized by the same parameter ``p``. So this parameter ``p`` is the basic object behind this classification theory. In Adams' and DuCloux's paper, "Algorithms for representations of real groups", Section 1, the authors use Langlands classification to describe the algorithm that will associate, to each real group, the parameter space in question. More precisely, assume for the moment that ``rho`` exponentiates to a character of a torus in :math:`G(\mathbb C )`. Then, the representations of :math:`G(\mathbb R)`, with a fixed (regular) infinitesimal character ``lambda`` are parametrized by :math:`G(\mathbb R)`-orbits of pairs :math:`(H(\mathbb R ), \chi )`; where :math:`H(\mathbb R )` is a Cartan subgroup of :math:`G(\mathbb R )` and :math:`\chi` is a character of :math:`H(\mathbb R )` so that the differential of :math:`\chi` equals ``lambda`` up to :math:`G(\mathbb C )`-conjugacy. Parameters for :math:`SL(2,\mathbb R)` --------------------------------------- Let's look at :math:`G=SL(2,\mathbb R)` and representations with infinitesimal character ``rho`` How many are there? We need to look at conjugacy classes of cartans and their characters. Let's review a few things we know about :math:`SL(2,\mathbb R)`:: atlas> G:=SL(2,R) Value: connected split real group with Lie algebra 'sl(2,R)' atlas> root_datum (G) Value: simply connected root datum of Lie type 'A1' atlas> simple_roots(G) Value: | 2 | atlas> rho(G) Value: [ 1 ]/1 atlas> nr_of_Cartan_classes (G) Value: 2 atlas> void: for H in Cartan_classes (G) do prints(H) od Cartan class #0, occurring for 2 real forms and for 1 dual real form Cartan class #1, occurring for 1 real form and for 2 dual real forms atlas> atlas> set T= Cartan_classes (G)[0] Identifier T: CartanClass atlas> T Value: Cartan class #0, occurring for 2 real forms and for 1 dual real form atlas> set A= Cartan_classes (G)[1] Identifier A: CartanClass (hiding previous one of type mat) atlas> A Value: Cartan class #1, occurring for 1 real form and for 2 dual real forms atlas> atlas> occurrence_matrix (G) Value: | 1, 0 | | 1, 1 | atlas> void: for H in real_forms (G) do prints(H) od compact connected real group with Lie algebra 'su(2)' connected split real group with Lie algebra 'sl(2,R)' atlas> So, the split form of type ``A1`` has two Cartan subgroups, the compact one, :math:`T=S^1` and the split one, :math:`A={\mathbb R}^{\times }`. Now, the characters for :math:`T` are of the form :math:`e^{ik\theta}` with :math:`k \in \mathbb Z`. The ones corresponding to ``rho`` are :math:`\{e^{i\theta }, e^{-i\theta }\}` and they are not conjugate under the Weyl group of :math:`T`, since ``-1`` is not in this Weyl group. On the other hand, for :math:`A={\mathbb R}^{\times }`, the characters whose differential is equal to ``rho`` are :math:`\{ x\rightarrow x, x^{-1},|x|, |x|^{-1} : x\in A \}`, where :math:`|x|=sign(x)x`. In this case ``-1`` is in the Weyl group of :math:`A`. So, up to conjugacy, we have that :math:`{\widehat A} \leftrightarrow \{ x, |x| \}`. This says that we have exactly four representations of :math:`SL(2,\mathbb R)` with infinitesimal character ``rho``; two from each Cartan subgroup. Let us look for those representations of :math:`SL(2,\mathbb R)`. The command ``all_parameters_gamma (G,[1])`` looks for all the parameters of :math:`G` with that infinitesimal character ``[1]``:: atlas> set P=all_parameters_gamma (G,[1]) Identifier P: [Param] atlas> #P Value: 4 atlas> atlas> void: for p in P do prints(p) od final parameter (x=0,lambda=[1]/1,nu=[0]/1) final parameter (x=1,lambda=[1]/1,nu=[0]/1) final parameter (x=2,lambda=[1]/1,nu=[1]/1) final parameter (x=2,lambda=[2]/1,nu=[1]/1) atlas> This is the set of parameters for representations of :math:`SL(2,\mathbb R)` with infinitesimal character ``rho``. Each parameter is a triple. ``(x, lambda, nu)``. We will explain each of these later. But for now we can say that the representation theory of :math:`SL(2,\mathbb R)` tells us that there are four representations with infinitesimal character ``rho``. Two of them are the discrete series associated to the compact Cartan subgroup and correspond to the two parameters above with ``nu=0``; the other two are the trivial representation and an irreducible principal series; both, attached to the split Cartan subgroup and correspond to the parameters with ``nu=1``. We will say more about the representations of :math:`SL(2,\mathbb R)` later. But, as it is illustrated here, the theory tells us we first need to understand the characters of Tori. We do this in the next section.