.. _parabolics.at_ref: parabolics.at Function References ======================================================= | .. _sort_by_(kgbelt_->_int)_f->([kgbelt]_v)_[kgbelt]1: sort_by ------------------------------------------------- | ``sort_by:(KGBElt -> int) f->([KGBElt] v) [KGBElt]`` Defined in line number 61. | | Given a list of KGB elements and a function f assigning integers to them, sort the list by weakly increasing value of f. | .. _kgp_elt_kgpelt_pair->kgpelt1: KGP_elt ------------------------------------------------- | ``KGP_elt:KGPElt pair->KGPElt`` Defined in line number 75. | | .. _s_kgpelt(s,)->[int]1: S ------------------------------------------------- | ``S:KGPElt(S,)->[int]`` Defined in line number 78. | | The list S of simple roots of a KGP element. | .. _root_datum_kgpelt(,x)->rootdatum1: root_datum ------------------------------------------------- | ``root_datum:KGPElt(,x)->RootDatum`` Defined in line number 81. | | The root datum of the RealForm G of a KGP element. | .. _real_form_kgpelt(,x)->realform1: real_form ------------------------------------------------- | ``real_form:KGPElt(,x)->RealForm`` Defined in line number 84. | | The RealForm G of a KGP element. | .. _complement_int_n,[int]_s->[int]1: complement ------------------------------------------------- | ``complement:int n,[int] S->[int]`` Defined in line number 87. | | Complement of subset of simple roots in rank n. | .. _find_ascent_[int]_s,_kgbelt_x->[kgbelt]1: find_ascent ------------------------------------------------- | ``find_ascent:[int] S, KGBElt x->[KGBElt]`` Defined in line number 91. | | An ascent of x by a generator in S, if any exist. | .. _down_neighbors_[int]_s,kgbelt_x->[int]1: down_neighbors ------------------------------------------------- | ``down_neighbors:[int] S,KGBElt x->[int]`` Defined in line number 99. | | All descents of x by generators in S; there may be duplicates. | .. _is_maximal_in_partial_order_[int]_s,kgbelt_x->bool1: is_maximal_in_partial_order ------------------------------------------------- | ``is_maximal_in_partial_order:[int] S,KGBElt x->bool`` Defined in line number 110. | | Decide whether x is maximal in the partial order defined by S. | .. _maxima_in_partial_order_realform_g,[int]_s->[kgbelt]1: maxima_in_partial_order ------------------------------------------------- | ``maxima_in_partial_order:RealForm G,[int] S->[KGBElt]`` Defined in line number 113. | | List maximal KGB elements in the partial order defined by S. | .. _maximal_[int]_s,_kgbelt_x->kgbelt1: maximal ------------------------------------------------- | ``maximal:[int] S, KGBElt x->KGBElt`` Defined in line number 119. | | (Unique) maximal element in equivalence class of x. | .. _canonical_representative_kgpelt_y->kgpelt1: canonical_representative ------------------------------------------------- | ``canonical_representative:KGPElt y->KGPElt`` Defined in line number 124. | | The representative of a KGP element with maximal x. | .. _\=_KGPElt_(S,x),KGPElt_(T,y)->bool1: \= ------------------------------------------------- | ``=:KGPElt (S,x),KGPElt (T,y)->bool`` Defined in line number 131. | | Equality of KGP elements: (S,x)=(T,y) if these give the same K-orbit of parabolics. | .. _equivalence_class_of_kgpelt(s,x)->[kgbelt]1: equivalence_class_of ------------------------------------------------- | ``equivalence_class_of:KGPElt(S,x)->[KGBElt]`` Defined in line number 135. | | The equivalence class of a KGB element in partial order defined by S. | .. _rec_fun x_min_kgpelt_p->kgbelt1: rec_fun x_min ------------------------------------------------- | ``rec_fun x_min:KGPElt P->KGBElt`` Defined in line number 149. | | A minimal KGB element from an equivalence class defined by S (unlike x_max, it is not unique). | .. _kgp_realform_g,[int]_s->[kgpelt]1: KGP ------------------------------------------------- | ``KGP:RealForm G,[int] S->[KGPElt]`` Defined in line number 155. | | The set of KGP elements associated to a RealForm and a set of simple roots S; KGP(G,S) is in bijection with :math:`K\backslash G/P_S` . | .. _kgp_numbers_realform_g,[int]_s->[int]1: KGP_numbers ------------------------------------------------- | ``KGP_numbers:RealForm G,[int] S->[int]`` Defined in line number 159. | | Just the index numbers (maximal x) of KGP(G,S). | .. _is_open_kgpelt_y->bool1: is_open ------------------------------------------------- | ``is_open:KGPElt y->bool`` Defined in line number 163. | | Test whether y in :math:`K\backslash G/P_S` is open: <=> last element of y is last element of KGB. | .. _is_closed_kgpelt_p->bool1: is_closed ------------------------------------------------- | ``is_closed:KGPElt P->bool`` Defined in line number 166. | | Test whether y in :math:`K\backslash G/P_S` is closed: <=> length(first element)=0. | .. _kgp_elt_ratvec_lambda,kgbelt_x->kgpelt1: KGP_elt ------------------------------------------------- | ``KGP_elt:ratvec lambda,KGBElt x->KGPElt`` Defined in line number 169. | | Parabolic determined by (the stabilizer in W of) a weight lambda. | .. _complex_parabolic_parabolic(s,x)->complexparabolic1: complex_parabolic ------------------------------------------------- | ``complex_parabolic:Parabolic(S,x)->ComplexParabolic`` Defined in line number 179. | | The complex parabolic underlying P=(S,x). | .. _complex_levi_rootdatum_rd,_(int->bool)_select->rootdatum1: complex_Levi ------------------------------------------------- | ``complex_Levi:RootDatum rd, (int->bool) select->RootDatum`` Defined in line number 182. | | Auxiliary function | .. _is_levi_theta_stable_parabolic_(s,x)->bool1: is_Levi_theta_stable ------------------------------------------------- | ``is_Levi_theta_stable:Parabolic (S,x)->bool`` Defined in line number 192. | | Test if a complex Levi defined by a set of simple roots S is :math:`\theta_x` -stable; algorithm: H=sum of fundamental coweights with index not in S, test whether :math:`<\theta_x(\alpha),H>=0` for all :math:`\alpha` in S. | .. _levi_parabolic(s,x):p->realform1: Levi ------------------------------------------------- | ``Levi:Parabolic(S,x):P->RealForm`` Defined in line number 204. | | Make a real Levi factor from P=(S,x); the complex Levi of S must be theta-stable. | .. _is_parabolic_theta_stable_parabolic_(s,x):p->bool1: is_parabolic_theta_stable ------------------------------------------------- | ``is_parabolic_theta_stable:Parabolic (S,x):P->bool`` Defined in line number 213. | | Test if parabolic P=(S,x) is theta-stable: <=> the complex Levi factor L is theta-stable, P is closed, and for alpha simple, not in S => alpha is imaginary or C+ wrt maximal(P). | .. _is_parabolic_real_parabolic_(s,x):p->bool1: is_parabolic_real ------------------------------------------------- | ``is_parabolic_real:Parabolic (S,x):P->bool`` Defined in line number 224. | | Test if parabolic P=(S,x) is real: <=> L is theta-stable, P is open, and for alpha simple, not in S => alpha is real or C- wrt a maximal(P). | .. _rho_u_complexparabolic_p->ratvec1: rho_u ------------------------------------------------- | ``rho_u:ComplexParabolic P->ratvec`` Defined in line number 245. | | Half sum of positive roots not in the Levi (L must be theta-stable). | .. _rho_u_parabolic_p->ratvec1: rho_u ------------------------------------------------- | ``rho_u:Parabolic P->ratvec`` Defined in line number 248. | | Half sum of positive roots not in the Levi (L must be theta-stable). | .. _rho_l_parabolic_p->ratvec1: rho_l ------------------------------------------------- | ``rho_l:Parabolic P->ratvec`` Defined in line number 251. | | Half sum of positive roots in the Levi (L must be theta-stable). | .. _nilrad_parabolic_p->mat1: nilrad ------------------------------------------------- | ``nilrad:Parabolic P->mat`` Defined in line number 254. | | Positive coroots in the nilradical u of P (L must be theta-stable). | .. _nilrad_roots_parabolic_p->mat1: nilrad_roots ------------------------------------------------- | ``nilrad_roots:Parabolic P->mat`` Defined in line number 259. | | Positive roots in the nilradical u of P (L must be theta-stable). | .. _zero_simple_coroots_rootdatum_rd,_vec_lambda->[int]1: zero_simple_coroots ------------------------------------------------- | ``zero_simple_coroots:RootDatum rd, vec lambda->[int]`` Defined in line number 272. | | Simple coroots on which weight lambda (in :math:`\mathfrak h^*` ) is zero. | .. _parabolic_ratvec_lambda,kgbelt_x->parabolic1: parabolic ------------------------------------------------- | ``parabolic:ratvec lambda,KGBElt x->Parabolic`` Defined in line number 279. | | Parabolic defined by weight lambda; message whether parabolic is real or theta-stable. | .. _parabolic_mute_ratvec_lambda,kgbelt_x->parabolic1: parabolic_mute ------------------------------------------------- | ``parabolic_mute:ratvec lambda,KGBElt x->Parabolic`` Defined in line number 290. | | Parabolic defined by weight lambda; NO message whether parabolic is real or theta-stable. | .. _theta_stable_parabolic_ratvec_lambda,kgbelt_x->parabolic1: theta_stable_parabolic ------------------------------------------------- | ``theta_stable_parabolic:ratvec lambda,KGBElt x->Parabolic`` Defined in line number 297. | | Theta-stable parabolic defined by weight lambda. | .. _real_parabolic_ratvec_lambda,kgbelt_x->parabolic1: real_parabolic ------------------------------------------------- | ``real_parabolic:ratvec lambda,KGBElt x->Parabolic`` Defined in line number 301. | | Real parabolic defined by weight lambda. | .. _levi_ratvec_lambda,kgbelt_x->realform1: Levi ------------------------------------------------- | ``Levi:ratvec lambda,KGBElt x->RealForm`` Defined in line number 305. | | Levi factor of parabolic defined by weight lambda. | .. _theta_stable_levi_ratvec_lambda,_kgbelt_x->realform1: theta_stable_Levi ------------------------------------------------- | ``theta_stable_Levi:ratvec lambda, KGBElt x->RealForm`` Defined in line number 308. | | Levi factor of theta-stable parabolic defined by weight lambda. | .. _real_levi_ratvec_lambda,_kgbelt_x->realform1: real_Levi ------------------------------------------------- | ``real_Levi:ratvec lambda, KGBElt x->RealForm`` Defined in line number 312. | | Levi factor of real parabolic defined by weight lambda. | .. _nilrad_ratvec_lambda,kgbelt_x->mat1: nilrad ------------------------------------------------- | ``nilrad:ratvec lambda,KGBElt x->mat`` Defined in line number 316. | | Positive coroots in nilradical of P defined by weight lambda (if L theta-stable). | .. _nilrad_roots_ratvec_lambda,kgbelt_x->mat1: nilrad_roots ------------------------------------------------- | ``nilrad_roots:ratvec lambda,KGBElt x->mat`` Defined in line number 319. | | Positive roots in nilradical of P defined by weight lambda (if L theta-stable). | .. _rho_u_ratvec_lambda,kgbelt_x->ratvec1: rho_u ------------------------------------------------- | ``rho_u:ratvec lambda,KGBElt x->ratvec`` Defined in line number 324. | | Half sum of positive roots in nilradical of P defined by weight lambda (if L theta-stable). | .. _zero_simple_roots_rootdatum_rd,_vec_cowt->[int]1: zero_simple_roots ------------------------------------------------- | ``zero_simple_roots:RootDatum rd, vec cowt->[int]`` Defined in line number 327. | | Simple roots which are zero on coweight H (in :math:`\mathfrak h` ). | .. _parabolic_alt_ratvec_h,kgbelt_x->parabolic1: parabolic_alt ------------------------------------------------- | ``parabolic_alt:ratvec H,KGBElt x->Parabolic`` Defined in line number 334. | | Parabolic defined by coweight H; message whether parabolic is real or theta-stable. | .. _levi_alt_ratvec_h,kgbelt_x->realform1: Levi_alt ------------------------------------------------- | ``Levi_alt:ratvec H,KGBElt x->RealForm`` Defined in line number 344. | | Levi factor of parabolic defined by coweight H. | .. _nilrad_alt_ratvec_h,kgbelt_x->mat1: nilrad_alt ------------------------------------------------- | ``nilrad_alt:ratvec H,KGBElt x->mat`` Defined in line number 347. | | Positive coroots in nilradical of P defined by coweight H (if L theta-stable). | .. _nilrad_roots_alt_ratvec_h,kgbelt_x->mat1: nilrad_roots_alt ------------------------------------------------- | ``nilrad_roots_alt:ratvec H,KGBElt x->mat`` Defined in line number 350. | | Positive roots in nilradical of P defined by coweight H (if L theta-stable). | .. _rho_u_alt_ratvec_h,kgbelt_x->ratvec1: rho_u_alt ------------------------------------------------- | ``rho_u_alt:ratvec H,KGBElt x->ratvec`` Defined in line number 354. | | Half sum of roots in nilradical of P defined by coweight H (if L theta-stable). | .. _rho_levi_alt_ratvec_h,kgbelt_x->ratvec1: rho_Levi_alt ------------------------------------------------- | ``rho_Levi_alt:ratvec H,KGBElt x->ratvec`` Defined in line number 357. | | :math:`\rho(L)` for Levi of P defined by coweight H (if L theta-stable). | .. _real_parabolic_kgbelt_x->parabolic1: real_parabolic ------------------------------------------------- | ``real_parabolic:KGBElt x->Parabolic`` Defined in line number 365. | | Real parabolic defined by x has Levi factor M=centralizer(A), :math:`\mathfrak u` =positive roots not in M; for M to be stable: x must have no C+ roots. | .. _real_levi_kgbelt_x->realform1: real_Levi ------------------------------------------------- | ``real_Levi:KGBElt x->RealForm`` Defined in line number 370. | | Levi factor of real parabolic defined by x (must have no C+ roots). | .. _theta_stable_parabolic_kgbelt_x->parabolic1: theta_stable_parabolic ------------------------------------------------- | ``theta_stable_parabolic:KGBElt x->Parabolic`` Defined in line number 377. | | Theta-stable parabolic defined by x has Levi factor L=centralizer(T), :math:`\mathfrak u` =positive roots not in L; for this to be stable: no C- roots. | .. _theta_stable_levi_kgbelt_x->realform1: theta_stable_Levi ------------------------------------------------- | ``theta_stable_Levi:KGBElt x->RealForm`` Defined in line number 382. | | Levi factor of theta-stable parabolic defined by x (must have no C- roots). | .. _is_standard_levi_realform_l,realform_g->bool1: is_standard_Levi ------------------------------------------------- | ``is_standard_Levi:RealForm L,RealForm G->bool`` Defined in line number 386. | | Check whether a Levi subgroup L is standard in G (simple roots of L are simple for G). | .. _kgp_realform_g,complexparabolic_(rd,s)->[kgpelt]1: KGP ------------------------------------------------- | ``KGP:RealForm G,ComplexParabolic (rd,S)->[KGPElt]`` Defined in line number 395. | | List of K-conjugacy classes of given ComplexParabolic (as KGP elts). | .. _parabolics_realform_g,complexparabolic_(rd,s)->[parabolic]1: parabolics ------------------------------------------------- | ``parabolics:RealForm G,ComplexParabolic (rd,S)->[Parabolic]`` Defined in line number 399. | | List K-conjugacy classes of given ComplexParabolic (as Parabolics). | .. _theta_stable_parabolics_realform_g,complexparabolic_p->[parabolic]1: theta_stable_parabolics ------------------------------------------------- | ``theta_stable_parabolics:RealForm G,ComplexParabolic P->[Parabolic]`` Defined in line number 403. | | List K-conjugacy classes of given ComplexParabolic that are theta-stable. | .. _theta_stable_parabolics_realform_g->[parabolic]1: theta_stable_parabolics ------------------------------------------------- | ``theta_stable_parabolics:RealForm G->[Parabolic]`` Defined in line number 409. | | List all theta-stable parabolics for G. | .. _theta_stable_parabolics_type_realform_g,[int]_p->[parabolic]1: theta_stable_parabolics_type ------------------------------------------------- | ``theta_stable_parabolics_type:RealForm G,[int] P->[Parabolic]`` Defined in line number 416. | | List all theta-stable parabolics of G, of type S. | .. _all_rel_split_theta_stable_parabolics_realform_g->[parabolic]1: all_rel_split_theta_stable_parabolics ------------------------------------------------- | ``all_rel_split_theta_stable_parabolics:RealForm G->[Parabolic]`` Defined in line number 422. | | List all theta-stable parabolics of G with relatively split L. | .. _print_theta_stable_parabolics_realform_g->void1: print_theta_stable_parabolics ------------------------------------------------- | ``print_theta_stable_parabolics:RealForm G->void`` Defined in line number 435. | | For each theta-stable parabolic of G, print S, Levi factor, and maximal x. | .. _support_kgbelt_x->[int]2: support ------------------------------------------------- | ``support:KGBElt x->[int]`` Defined in line number 441. | | The smallest list of simple roots such that descents lead to the distinguished fiber. | .. _support_alt_kgbelt_x->[int]1: support_alt ------------------------------------------------- | ``support_alt:KGBElt x->[int]`` Defined in line number 450. | | Auxiliary function. | .. _KGPElt1: KGPElt ---------------------------------------- | ``([int], KGBElt)`` Defined in line number 54. | | Data type for a K_orbit on G/P_S, equivalently a K-conjugacy class of parabolics of type S. | .. _Parabolic1: Parabolic ---------------------------------------- | ``([int], KGBElt)`` Defined in line number 57. | | Data type for a K_orbit on G/P_S (synonym for KGPElt). | .. _ComplexParabolic1: ComplexParabolic ---------------------------------------- | ``(RootDatum,[int])`` Defined in line number 176. | | Data type for a complex parabolic subrgoup |